
I’m Sheridan. I’m a writer, designer, florist and clinical counseling graduate student. 

I write about the rawness of the human experience. Sometimes I feel, sometimes I observe, sometimes I explore, sometimes I tell my stories.

I write because I’ve found that my purest bliss is in watching the phoenix rise. And over the last few years, I’ve come to see the phoenix in every living thing.

I write to be a mirror. I write to help others reignite their own fire. I sail gently between the depths and the surface to return to all of us what was once forgotten.

Here are a few things I’ve found most beautiful:

1. Escaping into the dark to find the light hidden there. 

2. The moment you Know why that journey into the dark was meant just for you.

3. That singular moment when the light switch flips on; the moment your awareness dilates and the illusion of separation becomes so painfully clear; the moment the song of your life becomes audible to you for the first time, and nothing is ever the same again.

Every break, every triumph: an echo of our shared heartbeat.

I’m so glad you’re here.

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    Personal stories, wisdom exploration, streams of consciousness and more.

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    Thoughts, poetry and inspired musings.

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